Catfish Sting and Barbs
One of the most common fears among beginner anglers is being stung by the catfish they are reeling in. Most fishermen believe that they will get stung if they come in contact with catfish barbels, but this article will clear up misconceptions and help prevent injuries in beginner anglers.
Do Catfish Sting?
The first thing that beginners need to understand is that catfish do not actually sting a person. Certain parts of their body are sharp and can puncture the skin, leading most people to believe that they have been stung. Although this is not accurate, it is still a common term that is used.
Are the Barbels Dangerous?
Catfish barbels also referred to as catfish whiskers or barbs, are harmless. Touching them will help alleviate fishermen’s fears. They feel soft to the touch and do not sting. These barbels are filled with sensors that catfish use to taste the food before it enters their mouth and to smell out their prey in murky waters. They are not used for protection.
What Parts of the Catfish Are Dangerous?
The parts of the fish that most people refer to when they claim they have been stung by a fish are the pectoral and dorsal fins. These fins have a thorn-like spine that can easily puncture human flesh. Some species of catfish have venom in these areas. As soon as they puncture the skin, the venom is released to cause an excruciating amount of pain to the angler. If there are two parts to watch out for on a catfish, it is these two fins, not the whiskers.
How to Avoid Injuries from Catfish
Anglers often use a specific grip to handle catfish, such as the lip grip, to avoid the pectoral and dorsal fins completely. This is typically all that is necessary to prevent injuries from these fish.
Signs of Catfish Sting
The signs and symptoms of a catfish sting make it hard to ignore. There is often pain and swelling in the area. A person will feel the spine puncture the skin, and the area will be tender to the touch.
If you have been stung by a catfish, it is important to note the species of catfish. Some species in specific parts of the world are known for having venom in their spines that can be deadly to humans. Fishermen that have been injured by one of these fish need to seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible. If a person is injured by another species of fish, they might not need emergency medical attention unless they are concerned or the symptoms, such as swelling and pain, get worse instead of better.
Home Remedies for Catfish Stings
Home remedies for catfish stings are relatively simple. It is advised that individuals soak the area in warm water and give the wound room to breathe. They should avoid wrapping it tightly in a bandage. If there are signs of infection, such as pus in the open wound, it is important to seek medical attention. Those that have an infected wound often have to take antibiotics.
Before heading out on the lake, it is important that anglers understand potential injuries so that they can properly avoid them.
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