What Do Catfish Eat In A Fish Tank?

What Do Catfish Eat in a Fish Tank
What Do Catfish Eat in a Fish Tank

Catfish provide an aesthetic appeal to an aquarium that has made them one of the most popular pets for hobbyists. They are available in every size, every color, and most make wonderful tank mates. Although their diet will depend on what specie they are, there are a few things that aquarists can safely feed almost any catfish.

What Do Catfish Eat In A Fish Tank

Bottom Feeders Need Sinking Pellets

Most catfish are bottom feeders and will need a diet that consists of plenty of sinking pellets. These pellets will sink to the bottom of the tank where they will be readily scooped up by hungry catfish. Most catfish owners always leave at least a few extra pellets in the tank in case their fish get hungry in between mealtimes.

Flake Foods

Flake foods are another important part of a well-balanced diet for catfish. These foods are essential for catfish that feed off the top of the tank, such as the upside-down catfish. They contain a variety of nutrients, are small enough that any fish can eat them, and will float to the bottom of the tank if they are not eaten by other fish, making them a nice part of a diet for bottom feeders as well.

Frozen or Live Foods

Catfish need a diet with variety to guarantee that they live a long, healthy life. Catfish pellets and flake food will provide plenty of nutrients, but live or frozen food is needed as well. Most catfish will enjoy brine shrimp and blood worms as well. Remember, smaller catfish need smaller foods and larger catfish will eat larger foods or larger portions.

Food That Breaks Up

The problem with most sinking pellets is that they may be too hard for catfish to eat. Catfish are not going to chew up their food, so the pellets should be mushy when they are in the water. If they do not fall apart when they hit the bottom of the tank or become soggy, it can cause intestinal problems for your fish.

When buying new food, test the sinking pellet in a cup of water before feeding it to fish. Simply let the pellet sink to the bottom and see if it falls apart. If it does not, grab the pellet with your fingers to determine if it is soggy. If it is not, it may be too hard for your catfish to eat.


Whatever food you choose to feed your new catfish, it is important that it contains plenty of crude protein. Catfish are meat eaters, so protein is an important part of their diet both in the wild and in captivity. Read the ingredient list on fish foods such as sinking pellets, flake foods, and sinking wafers to determine whether it has enough crude protein or not. If the fish food does not provide the ingredients on the label, that should be seen as a red flag. Remember, the protein listed should be crude protein, and the content should be well over twenty percent.

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