Farlowella Catfish Facts: What is a Farlowella Catfish?

Farlowella Catfish Facts: What is a Farlowella Catfish?
Farlowella Catfish Facts: What is a Farlowella Catfish?

What is a Farlowella Catfish?

The Farlowella is a species of catfish that is typically referred to as a Twig catfish because of its long, thin shape. Its appearance is unique, and it is a relatively easy fish to maintain, making it appeal to aquarists all over the world. Typically, these fish are not used for food, so most people will find them in pet shops or aquariums.

Natural Camouflage

The natural pattern and appearance of the Farlowella give them a wonderful advantage over other fish and predators. Their brown, slender body can often be mistaken for a twig, hence why these fish are often nicknamed Twig catfish. These fish use their appearance to blend into their surroundings and in hopes of being mistaken for a stick. Often, when they are captured, they will remain completely motionless to encourage their predators or people that have captured them to throw them back thinking that they are a stick. In captivity, this fish does the same thing. It will often attempt to blend into decorations or plants and remain still just like it does in the wild.

How Big Does the Farlowella Get?

These fish are often purchased as babies, and they will not grow very large throughout their life. Owners will enjoy these fish growing to a maximum length of six inches.

How Big Does the Aquarium Need to be for Twig Catfish?

Thanks to their small size, Farlowella does not need a large, expensive tank. Instead, they will be just fine if they are housed in a forty-gallon tank. Most aquarists that attempt to keep them in smaller tanks quickly discover that they have difficulty keeping the water at the perfect conditions to ensure that this species can survive.

Shy Nature

Because these fish are used to being the prey, they tend to get scared when they are in community tanks. This includes tanks that have communities that are not particularly aggressive. As soon as these fish spot another fish of a different species, they will more likely hide among the plants. Because of this, most owners prefer to keep them in species only tanks.

Prepared Foods are Vital

Most people make the common mistake of assuming these fish will be fine eating algae in the tank, but this is not enough to sustain them and does not satisfy all the requirements of their diet. Instead, pick them up some algae wafers and herbivore pellets to help keep Twig catfish nice and healthy.

Sensitive to Dirty Water

The primary reason that most of these fish do not live out their full lifespan in captivity is due to improper water conditions. The water in the aquarium may look clean to the naked eye, but Farlowella is extremely sensitive to water conditions. In fact, they are more sensitive to them than most other species of fish. Most pet stores recommend that owners pick up a water filter that hangs on the side of the tank to guarantee that the water stays clean. It is not possible to over filter water when it comes to this species.

The shy and curious nature of the Farlowella makes them appealing to hundreds of owners. This catfish is one of the more unique, sought after fish in the armored catfish family.


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