What is a Featherfin Catfish?
The featherfin catfish is known for its beautiful tropical appearance, the graceful fins that adorn its body and its wonderful temperament.
This species of fish can be found in the rivers of Africa in the wild, such as the Nile River and Niger River. The warm waters and perfect current are ideal for this pretty species of fish.
Popular Among Hobbyists
These fish are not typically captured to be eaten. Instead, they are often sold to pet stores and aquarists. Even though they are more than affordable, often costing less than twenty USD, the popularity of these fish makes them more than the profitable market.
These fish are known to grow as large as almost 12 inches in length, making them one of the larger catfish in captivity. Owners are encouraged to keep this in mind when they purchase one of these fish as a baby.
It is typical for this species of fish to live up to ten years in captivity, but there have been reports made of them living over twenty years. If these fish are kept happy and healthy, they will enjoy a longer life.
These fish are not known for being aggressive, but they are not overly peaceful and submissive either. Instead, they have the perfect balance that makes them suitable for community tanks without them turning into prey. They will not attack other fish for no reason, but they will defend their food if they are in the middle of scavenging and interrupted by a nearby fish. Because of this, it is important that these fish be kept in an aquarium that provides ample space for the entire community.
These fish are known to become aggressive and eat smaller fish when they are not properly fed, making it vital to ensure that they have plenty to eat. Owners are encouraged to provide them with pellets to eat as well as other vegetables and foods. The Featherfin catfish prefer to munch on zucchini or cucumber, and bloodworms are always appreciated.
Squeaker Catfish
Another name for these fish is the Featherfin squeaker catfish. This is because they tend to make a squeaking sound to communicate with other fish of the same species. Featherfin catfish are accustomed to being in dark caves, making it essential for them to be able to communicate via noise.
Aquarium Decorations
Aquarists are encouraged to remember that these fish are known for enjoying dark places to hide when they decorate their aquarium. The tank should not be too cluttered as it will stress them out, but it should not be bare either. Instead, aquariums should have plenty of driftwood and caves available for fish to hide in while simultaneously providing them with ample swimming room. Providing Featherfin catfish with the perfect environment will ensure that they are not aggressive and that they live a longer life.
Featherfin catfish remain one of the most popular catfish species among hobbyists due to their beautiful feather-like fin. This is an interesting species of catfish to learn about as well as own.
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