Hoplo Catfish Facts: What is a Hoplo Catfish?

Hoplo Catfish Facts: What is a Hoplo Catfish?
Hoplo Catfish Facts: What is a Hoplo Catfish?

What is a Hoplo Catfish?

The Hoplo catfish, scientifically known as Megalechis thoracata, is a freshwater fish that is found in various parts of the southern hemisphere and aquariums throughout the world. These fish are perfect for beginners, or for those that enjoy relaxing while they watch their fish swim in the aquarium.


The Hoplo catfish originates from the rivers of South America and can still be found in the waters of South American countries, such as Brazil, Peru, Columbia, and Venezuela.

Water Temperature

Owners that want to keep these fish happy will need to replicate the warm waters that they are used to in the wild. They will need a temperature of 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit to be both happy and healthy.


Like most species of catfish, the Hoplo catfish is nocturnal. It prefers to hide during the day and comes out to eat primarily at nighttime. Providing this species with plenty of places to hide and including floating plants in an aquarium set up is ideal to ensure that this fish feels safe and happy.

Feeding a Hoplo Catfish

Feeding a Hoplo catfish is not a challenge, but owners need to ensure that these fish are properly fed. They are bottom feeders, so sinking pellets are the perfect fish food for them. Supplementing their diet with frozen foods is a great idea and something that most owners do. It is important to remember that these fish can become aggressive when they are not fed properly. Ensuring that there are plenty of pellets scattered along the bottom of the tank will guarantee that all fish in the community can get their fill. Standard catfish food will be accepted by this species.


These fish make exceptional tank mates provided they are not housed with fish smaller than them, such as the neon tetra. The tetra is a common fish for community aquariums, but they often become food for larger fish, such as the Hoplo catfish. Owners are often dismayed to discover that their tetra has become food in the middle of the night when these fish are at the hungriest.


These fish may eat smaller fish when they are hungry due to their large appetite, but they are usually peaceful in nature. They are not known for attacking other fish unless a male is protecting its eggs. This makes them great for community aquariums.

Not Picky Regarding Water Conditions

The Hoplo catfish can withstand slightly dirty water without passing away. This is one of the many reasons that this catfish is perfect for beginners that are still learning to properly care for an aquarium. However, it is important that owners do not use this as an excuse to slack off on proper aquarium care. Remember, it is not possible for aquarium water to be too clean.

The Hoplo catfish is not primarily captured for food and is not considered a delicacy. The main reason that this fish is harvested is because of its extreme popularity among aquarists regardless of their experience level. Beginners are drawn to the Hoplo catfish.


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