Suckermouth Catfish Facts: What is a Suckermouth Catfish?

Suckermouth Catfish Facts: What is a Suckermouth Catfish?
Suckermouth Catfish Facts: What is a Suckermouth Catfish?

What is a Suckermouth Catfish?

This beautiful tropical fish is one of the many species that belongs to the armored catfish family. It has the beautiful appearance and elongated body that aquarists have come to love with several cool characteristics that make it one of the favorites in the catfish family.

In Nature

In nature, the suckermouth catfish enjoys slow-moving waters instead of fast currents. It can be found in its place of origin, South America, as well as the states of Texas, Nevada, and Florida. As time moves on, this fish is slowly migrating to other parts of the southern hemisphere, or it is populating areas based on being released from captivity.

Poses a Threat to Other Species

The suckerfish, in general, pose a slight threat to other species, especially if they are aggressive and eat fish eggs like the suckermouth catfish. This fish can be aggressive and is known to suck on the sides and bottoms of the river for food, including fish eggs. Because of this, areas that are extremely populated with this species of fish might have other fish that are on their way to the endangered species list.

Can Be an Aggressive Tank Mate

These fish are not only aggressive in the wild, but they can also be an aggressive tank mate. Most fish owners intentionally purchase a suckermouth catfish with the intention of it helping them keep the tank clean only to discover that it is not good for their current community of fish. Before purchasing one of these fish, it is important to make sure that it will be a good addition to any current community.

Nice Size for Average Aquariums

Fish owners that can find a suitable community to put their suckermouth catfish in will appreciate that these fish are the perfect size for an average aquarium. They will only grow to approximately 20 inches long in captivity, making them a great option for helping keep a smaller tank clean.

Dead Fish Will Be Eaten

Despite these fish being known for consuming things like algae, they will also enjoy a snack of smaller fish that have already passed away. This can result in them dying from the same sickness that killed the fish they consumed, making it a necessity for owners to quarantine any sick fish to protect their suckermouth catfish.

Long Life Span

Compared to other tropical fish species, the suckermouth catfish can live a long life. When these fish are kept in a happy, healthy environment, they can live for up to fifteen years. Most fish owners appreciate the investment possibilities of this. These fish are not expensive, will help keep the tank clean, and will live longer than most other species in their community.


Most new owners make the mistake of believing that these fish do not need specific food because they will eat the algae on decorations or the walls of the tank, but this is not true. Suckermouth catfish usually need to eat more than they can get off the algae from decorations in order to stay happy and healthy. If one of these fish is seen sucking on another fish, it’s a definite sign that they are hungry. Keep them satisfied by picking up some algae wafers or sinking pellets so that there will be plenty of food on the bottom of the tank.

Suckermouth catfish have a beautiful appearance that makes them desirable for many aquarists. Their ability to help keep the tank clean just makes them even nicer to own.


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