Synodontis Catfish: What is a Synodontis Catfish?

Synodontis Catfish: What is a Synodontis Catfish?
Synodontis Catfish: What is a Synodontis Catfish?

What is a Synodontis Catfish?

This beautiful variety of catfish remains known for its gorgeous orange-yellow color and black spots. Other members of the Synodontis family are paler in color. They can be found in white and silverfish hues quite easily. It has the appearance of a tropical fish, making it one of the most popular catfish in pet stores. Larger species in this fish family are frequently captured by fishermen in the African region for food as well.


The Synodontis family thrives in the rivers and lakes of Africa where it can appreciate the moderate temperature and freshwater streams. This fish is known for being plentiful in Africa today as well and is often spotted in the Nile River.


These fish are known as squeakers because of the sound that they make through their pectoral fins. Usually when they are angry, disturbed or taken out of the water they will make a slight squeaking noise that is known to both startle and fascinate humans.

Upside Down Variety

Some members of this large fish family can swim with their belly up and are known to do so. They do not have the same discolorations as the upside-down catfish, but that does not stop them from enjoying the same unique swimming posture. Upside down Synodontis catfish are a unique species in this family and are often sought after by aquarium owners.

Known for Being Timid

These fish are popular, but most shoppers will not spot them when browsing through a pet store unless they are looking very closely. Due to their naturally timid and nocturnal nature, they prefer to spend their days hiding in caves or behind plants where they will not be disturbed. If they are discovered, they may quickly dart to another hiding spot which can make them difficult to capture.

They Are “Naked”

Naked catfish is another nickname that the Synodontis catfish has received. This is because it does not have the traditional body that other fish in this category usually have, such as scales or some type of armor. Instead, their body appears sleek and smooth, which just makes them more unique.

Various Sizes Found in Both Nature and Captivity

Most fish that are found in pet stores are species that will not grow larger than one foot. The smaller species of Synodontis are known for growing between four and twelve inches. Larger species that are kept in the wild can be found at approximately two feet long.

In Aquariums

Although fish owners are known for keeping fish of all sizes, most people prefer smaller species of this fish for their aquariums. Smaller sized species are easier to keep happy, find caves for and they are less likely to disturb other tankmates.

These fish are known for being peaceful, but they can and will fight with other fish if they are irritated. Ensure that the water is kept at the appropriate temperature and that fish have more than enough places to hide in order to keep them happy.

When aquarium owners enjoy one of these fish, they will enjoy a unique addition to their community aquarium that they will not find elsewhere. These are some of the coolest, and cheapest, catfish to own at home.


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