What is a Walking Catfish?
The Clarias Batrachus, more commonly known as the “walking catfish”, is a part of the catfish family. These fish have a set of spectacular characteristics that set them apart from other species of fish, making them one of the most memorable fish alive.
In Nature
They originate from Southeast Asia but are found in various parts of the world. Once the food supply starts to run low or the habitat is no longer desirable, these fish will instantly relocate to a location that suits their needs. They are now found in large quantities in Pakistan, the Philippines and in Florida. So many of these fish have found a home in Florida that the walking catfish is now considered an invasive species to this region.
These fish are typically grey, or they may be grey with a slight brownish tint to their skin. The albino one is a lighter, almost white color. Outside of their natural habitat, walking catfish with calico colors and spots of orange have been found.
Their elongated body will grow to approximately 1 ½ foot long and is covered in a thick layer of mucus. This makes them harder for humans to handle, but it is necessary for their survival when they are out of water.
As their name entails, walking catfish can “walk.” They use a special fin to prevent the jerky motion that fish are known for so that they can wiggle across the land. When these fish are on the move across land, their body must stay moist, hence why the mucous coating is essential for survival. Their body also possesses a special organ that most other fish do not have to help them breathe. This organ functions like the lung of a human and kicks into gear when they are on land or in shallow water. During this period, the fish can breathe air.
Common Diet
Walking catfish follow a diet that is very similar to other fish in the same family. They enjoy eating smaller fish, fish eggs, insects and will enjoy munching on a plant for a midnight snack.
As a Pet
The cool characteristics of this fish have made it one of the most sought-after pets, especially for beginner fish owners. Many parts of the world do allow these fish to be kept as a pet, but the United States has implemented strict guidelines regarding these fish. It is illegal to import these fish without a permit according to federal law. Many states have also imposed their own ban on the possession of these fish to discourage people from keeping found fish as pets. Instead, these fish must be killed or reported so that the proper authorities can handle them.
The walking catfish is one of the most interesting fish. It’s unique ability to function as a fish and then as a land animal at a minute’s notice is impressive. The lack of scales on its body gives it a sleek, smooth appearance that many pet owners find simply gorgeous. There are so many things that are fascinating about this fish, it’s no wonder why so many people would like one for a pet.
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