World Record Catfish: A List of The Biggest Catfish

World Record Catfish: Biggest Catfish

When it comes to catfish, there is nothing like bringing home a trophy catfish to hang on the mantle. There is also nothing that can compare to having your picture taken next to a catfish that is bigger than you are. World record catfish are the biggest catfish that people have ever caught, and they remain impressive, as well as a goal for other people to beat. There are records for different species of catfish to keep things fair. Obviously, a Channel catfish will never outweigh a Mekong fish. Check out these impressive catfish and the most eyebrow-raising world records.

Freshwater Fish

World's Largest Mekong Catfish Caught ©Photo from Suthep Kristsanavarin
World’s Largest Mekong Catfish Caught ©Photo from Suthep Kristsanavarin

Experts have stated that a 646 pounder might be the world’s largest freshwater fish ever caught. This massive monster is also more than likely the largest freshwater fish that has ever been recorded, making it doubly impressive. The picture displayed shows that it took two men to hold this large freshwater fish for the pictures the press took. It weighed in at almost six hundred and fifty pounds. Its length was almost nine feet long. Mekong catfish, also referred to as giant catfish, are known for their enormous size, but this one even made experts open their mouths in surprise.


Flathead Catfish

Ken Paulie holding his world-record flathead catfish ©Photo from Jocelyn Harris
Ken Paulie holding his world-record flathead catfish ©Photo from Jocelyn Harris

Ken Paulie currently holds the record for catching the largest flathead catfish, and he has held that record for approximately twenty years. His monster fish catch weighed in at an amazing 123 pounds and was slightly longer than five feet long. This massive flathead catfish was estimated to be a little over twenty years old when it was presented to researchers. His catch was pure luck. Paulie did not hold any other records, was using light bait and was not searching for a monster fish when he caught his current record. Some people are skeptical about this record, but it was verified by experts.


Redtail Catfish

Gilberto Fernandes holding his world-record redtail ©Photo from Fishing Wordrecords
Gilberto Fernandes holding his world-record redtail ©Photo from Fishing Wordrecords

The largest redtail catfish was caught in 2010 in the Amazon River. This Brazilian river was home to a massive redtail catfish that weighed in at 123 pounds and was just under five feet long. Catching this fish was a lot more than just a stroke of luck. According to reports, Gilberto Fernandes already held several records for catching impressively sized trophy fish, and this was just another one to add to the list. Those that are interested in catching their own giant redtail catfish often fish in the same area. The Amazon River has become well known for having several larger sized redtails.


Blue Catfish

Richard Anderson's world-record blue catfish ©Photo from Dallas Weston
Richard Anderson’s world-record blue catfish ©Photo from Dallas Weston

The record for the largest blue catfish caught was claimed by a man in Virginia by the name of Richard Anderson. Anderson brought home a massive fish that weighed just under 150 pounds and was barely under five feet long. Three men are seen holding this fish in the pictures. Instead of hanging his new fish on a mantle, Anderson attempted to keep it alive so that it could find a new home in an aquarium for others to enjoy it as much as he did. Unfortunately, the fish did not make it. His big heart and the size of this fish both made headlines.


Piraiba Catfish

Jorge Masullo de Aguiar's Largest Caught Piraiba Catfish ©Photo from Fishing Worldrecords
Jorge Masullo de Aguiar’s Largest Caught Piraiba Catfish ©Photo from Fishing Worldrecords

The Piraiba catfish, also commonly known as the Lau Lau catfish, is known to grow to a massive size. This has made it a popular choice for fishermen that are in search of their own monster fish. There is plenty of these fish that weigh in at hundreds of pounds. Currently, it calls South America home. Jorge Masullo de Aguiar caught one of these fish in 2009 to set the record. It weighed in at a little over 340 pounds.


Gilded Catfish

Russel Jensen Largest Jau Catfish Caught
Russel Jensen Largest Jau Catfish Caught

This spectacular catfish was landed by Russell Jensen on an Acute Angling ( variety trip. Russell set the IGFA world record for Jau with this 109 pound specimen.

The Jau catfish, also known as the Gilded catfish, is another monster fish that is known to inhabit South America, particularly the Brazilian region. This fish is known to grow to monstrous sizes, making it a popular choice for people that want to test their skill in the world of trophy fishing, and for those that want to set a record. Currently, the IGA record for the Gilded catfish is held by a man named Russell Jensen. He brought in one of these bad boys that weighed in at 109 pounds.


Channel Catfish

Paula Haney Largest Channel Catfish ©Photo from Carolina Sportsman
Paula Haney Largest Channel Catfish ©Photo from Carolina Sportsman

Channel catfish are found in abundance in North America. They are not known as monstrous fish, and will never make an appearance on River Monsters, but when a person catches a big one it is enough to make headlines. Most anglers appreciate a Channel that weighs over ten pounds, so when one was caught that weighed in at almost 115 pounds in South Carolina, it amazed the locals as well as set a new record for the largest channel catfish by Paula Haney.


Devil Catfish

Jakub Vagner Sets Record For The Biggest Devil Catfish Caught ©Photo from The Goonch Catfish
Jakub Vagner Sets Record For The Biggest Devil Catfish Caught ©Photo from The Goonch Catfish

In March of 2009, a Goonch catfish was caught in India that weighed a whopping 165 pounds. Its length was slightly over five feet long. This record went to a man that made his living from fish and monster fish, Jakub Vagner. He was the main star of a series by National Geographic titled Fish Warrior.


Wels Catfish

Dino Ferrari Largest Wels Catfish Caught ©Photo From Sportex Italia
Dino Ferrari Largest Wels Catfish Caught ©Photo From Sportex Italia

Wels catfish are commonly found in parts of Europe and remain a popular choice for those that are searching for the trophy fish of their lifetime. They are known for growing rather large, but when Dino Ferrari caught one that weighed in at 280 pounds and was almost nine feet long, it amazed even local officials. He was 17 pounds shy of getting a world record, but that doesn’t make this catch any less impressive. Dino released his trophy fish back into the wild.

These large fish are the most popular records. They made headlines, attracting people that wanted to see the pictures, meet the man, and learn how it was done. Most of these men have landed their own television or newspaper interviews full of inquiries regarding everything from the pole that they used to their own personal bait preference. While some of these catches were pure luck, it was skill and determination that brought most of these monster fish to the surface for a picture.

3 thoughts on “World Record Catfish: A List of The Biggest Catfish”

  1. There’s no way half of these are real. They had to have used a steel line or something, and the fisherman had to be a strong as Shaq. Just think about it for a second

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